Hello Ant family,

I hope you’re enjoying the site. We just recently returned from an incredibly successful health outreach in Stanmore, a village in Gwanda, Zimbabwe. We saw over 300 patients! What a huge success. We are ever grateful for the amazing nurses of the Stanmore Clinic and Gwanda Rural Council , as well as the Village Health Workers, pharmacists, counselors and board members present who made the outreach such a phenomenal success.

You may be wondering, what’s a health outreach? We started health outreaches in 2008 as a way to bring healthcare directly to the people. In fact, our first outreach was in Stanmore! A health outreach is where we bring together a team of nurses, village health workers (similar to nurses aids), and pharmacy techs, and go into the rural areas to provide healthcare free of cost to patients in areas with limited access. In addition, there is free HIV testing and counseling available.

Patients suffer from chronic health issues such as Hypertension (high blood pressure) Diabetes, aches and pains, and HIV management, as well as acute issues such as upper respiratory infections and flus.
The success of this outreach is largely in part to the ants on the ground in Zimbabwe, but is also made possible by our faithful donors. Without financial contributions, our work in rural Matebeleland would not be possible. As much as we celebrate our healthcare professionals, we celebrate you! Thank you to everything for their contributions of time, expertise, monetary donations, and prayers. Next up is the Sunrise to Sunset Walk/Run on June 11! Stay tuned for details.

In His service,
